Yu Kung Fu logo
Yu Kung Fu Logo


Welcome old students, we are happy to hear from you and your previous experiences. A big hug and hoping to see you soon again. -Shifu

This might encourage new students to contact you and ask about the school.
You can send your pictures to info@yukungfu.com
Yu Kung Fu Student


I’ve just finished my one month KungFu training at YuKungFu, and to be honest I wish I was able to stay longer. I learned so much during my stay, not only about KungFu, but also about Chinese culture and history, new people that now are good friends of mine and I had the privilege to be taught by a truly warm and talented master. If you’re keen on learning some martial art in a peaceful and stimulating environment, this is the place!!

Yu Kung Fu Student


Initially, when i came to China, I only wanted to learn to do some cool flips and get super fit. To which, I assumed any Shaolin school could do.

However, Shaolin schools are very popular with the Chinese population and kids are sent to them at a young age. As a westerner, teling a master of a 20,000 student school that your passion is doing only cool flips, proves a rather stupid endeavour. When I initially emailed the team at YuKungFu, we had a chat and they had no issue helping me achieve my goals by tailoring my classes to meet my requests, keeping me accountable and training with me 1 on 1. To which, in a month, i have learnt some flips but also an appreciation for the Shaolin tradition in its entirety. I write this now, at the end of my training, travelling into the Chinese mountains (which the YukungFu team helped me book).

I am very impressed with the culture and the team. If you were like me (on the verge of trying a martial arts school). Whether YuKungFu is at the top of your list or the bottom, it is worth emailing them to determine your own study.

Yu Kung Student


I have been training under Headmaster Yu for over a year now and know it is the best year of my life so far. I wake up and do Kungfu, I eat breakfast, then do Kungfu, eat lunch, then do kungfu, dinner, and finally get to relax with my friends before resting and starting again.

I’ve improved faster here than anywhere else, in Australia or China, that I have trained. In under two weeks I could do an acrobatics move I had practiced for months elsewhere. Master Yu coached me through my first win at an amateur Sanda Kickboxing competition. And most importantly he has helped me understand what I really need and how to get the best out of my training. I’m never leaving.

Yu Kung Fu Forms


YuKungFu is an exciting place to train, always learning something different and being amazed by Master Yu.

Yu Kung Fu Student


Yu Kung Fu offers highly personalised and dedicated training, a brilliant atmosphere, and a very helpful team who will make your experience as smooth and stress free as possible, whether it’s your first time or you are an experienced traveller/martial artist. The growth one can achieve here is exceptional, due to the attentiveness of Master Yu’s teaching methods. We train hard here, harder than anywhere I’ve trained before, but the results speak for themselves as we have all improved and been able to achieve our goals.

It’s been awesome to watch people arrive with different and varied goals and be able to achieve them during their time here. I can highly recommend YuKungFu for anyone from beginners to advanced martial artists.

Yu Kung Fu Tai Chi


It’s imperative that i start this review by saying this school truly is as advertised. Refreshingly, no unpleasant surprises, just a great team that’s dedicated to their craft and that genuinely want to transmit their passion to all those who join.

I was initially drawn to their non-commercial approach and personalized training plan. After reaching out to the team via email I was pleased with all the information provided and the fact that they assisted me with all my travel plans to and within China. As a complete newbie, with no prior experience in any form of martial arts, I was grateful to find myself in an encouraging atmosphere and alongside not only a highly skilled Master but one that was patient enough to help me through all the learning curves, while challenging me on a daily basis.

Yu Kung Fu Qi Gong


Cracking food, warm showers, a Master who really gets it and knows what the body can do. I’ll go away, integrate, train and come back when I’m ready for more tuning and advanced forms. Thanks to all we met. A nice group of fellow students.

Yu Kung Fu power Stretching


As a 38 year old with no formal training in kungfu, other than a bit kickboxing in my younger years, I was a little nervous about what to expect here. Within my first training session, it was clear that Master Yu takes the time to determine each student’s skill set and learning style and teaches them accordingly. I never felt uncomfortable that i couldn’t do flips or kicks like the younger students and I was always challenged to improve. I have since returned home fitter and stronger than I’ve been in years. Master Yu knows how to get the best out of every student and it was an honour to be taught by him. You will only eat traditional chinese food here which is absolutely delicious. It’s nothing like the chinese food we get back home. It’s just healthy seasonal produce that is guaranteed to fill you up and keep your strength up during training. The location was great. It will give you a taste of the rural lifestyle while still being a short bus ride into the next major city if you want to do some shopping or see a movie over the weekend. The thing that made this place so special for me, aside from Master Yu’s teaching, was the other students. The students here are passionate about Kungfu and will always encourage you in learning new skills, regardless of your level. I can’t recommend this place highly enough, whether you want to stay for a quick week or a year or two, it’s worth it.

Yu Kung Fu Team


This year was my second time in China, the second time at a kung fu school, the second time I was a disciple of master Yu. Unfortunately, I had only two weeks at Yu Kung Fu but it was totally worth it. In some parts I came further than my last time (4 Weeks), in other parts I stagnated. Nevertheless it was an awesome time, again.Secluded from daily vices of the  “western world” but not isolated. This is a great opportunity to work at your self-reflection and maybe you get closer to find your inner peace.The school is small bit nice. The training is individual and diversified. Everybody can work on their own goals. So far you don´t know master Yu will guide you. These small group is like a family. With the support of the others you are able fight against your inner temptation. Every day a little more is quite a lot after a couple of weeks. Master Yu is strict in his own way. His presence alone gives you the power to reach goals day in day out. You can have a lot of fun with master you as well.
I wished I could stay longer.

I will come back.

Xièxie Shifu.

Yu Kung Fu power training


“Very good Master “

Master YuZhiChao explains patiently all techniques and movements .

He makes the training varied and fun so that a good climate prevails.

Yu Kung Fu Logo


Welcome old students, we are happy to hear from you and your previous experiences. A big hug and hoping to see you soon again. -Shifu

This might encourage new students to contact you and ask about the school.
You can send your pictures to info@yukungfu.com


Initially, when i came to China, I only wanted to learn to do some cool flips and get super fit. To which, I assumed any Shaolin school could do.

However, Shaolin schools are very popular with the Chinese population and kids are sent to them at a young age. As a westerner, teling a master of a 20,000 student school that your passion is doing only cool flips, proves a rather stupid endeavour. When I initially emailed the team at YuKungFu, we had a chat and they had no issue helping me achieve my goals by tailoring my classes to meet my requests, keeping me accountable and training with me 1 on 1. To which, in a month, i have learnt some flips but also an appreciation for the Shaolin tradition in its entirety. I write this now, at the end of my training, travelling into the Chinese mountains (which the YukungFu team helped me book).

I am very impressed with the culture and the team. If you were like me (on the verge of trying a martial arts school). Whether YuKungFu is at the top of your list or the bottom, it is worth emailing them to determine your own study.

Yu Kung Fu Student
Yu Kung Fu Student


I’ve just finished my one month KungFu training at YuKungFu, and to be honest I wish I was able to stay longer. I learned so much during my stay, not only about KungFu, but also about Chinese culture and history, new people that now are good friends of mine and I had the privilege to be taught by a truly warm and talented master. If you’re keen on learning some martial art in a peaceful and stimulating environment, this is the place!!


I have been training under Headmaster Yu for over a year now and know it is the best year of my life so far. I wake up and do Kungfu, I eat breakfast, then do Kungfu, eat lunch, then do kungfu, dinner, and finally get to relax with my friends before resting and starting again.

I’ve improved faster here than anywhere else, in Australia or China, that I have trained. In under two weeks I could do an acrobatics move I had practiced for months elsewhere. Master Yu coached me through my first win at an amateur Sanda Kickboxing competition. And most importantly he has helped me understand what I really need and how to get the best out of my training. I’m never leaving.

Yu Kung Student
Yu Kung Fu Forms


YuKungFu is an exciting place to train, always learning something different and being amazed by Master Yu.


Yu Kung Fu offers highly personalised and dedicated training, a brilliant atmosphere, and a very helpful team who will make your experience as smooth and stress free as possible, whether it’s your first time or you are an experienced traveller/martial artist. The growth one can achieve here is exceptional, due to the attentiveness of Master Yu’s teaching methods. We train hard here, harder than anywhere I’ve trained before, but the results speak for themselves as we have all improved and been able to achieve our goals.

It’s been awesome to watch people arrive with different and varied goals and be able to achieve them during their time here. I can highly recommend YuKungFu for anyone from beginners to advanced martial artists.

Yu Kung Fu Student
Yu Kung Fu Tai Chi


It’s imperative that i start this review by saying this school truly is as advertised. Refreshingly, no unpleasant surprises, just a great team that’s dedicated to their craft and that genuinely want to transmit their passion to all those who join.

I was initially drawn to their non-commercial approach and personalized training plan. After reaching out to the team via email I was pleased with all the information provided and the fact that they assisted me with all my travel plans to and within China. As a complete newbie, with no prior experience in any form of martial arts, I was grateful to find myself in an encouraging atmosphere and alongside not only a highly skilled Master but one that was patient enough to help me through all the learning curves, while challenging me on a daily basis.


Cracking food, warm showers, a Master who really gets it and knows what the body can do. I’ll go away, integrate, train and come back when I’m ready for more tuning and advanced forms. Thanks to all we met. A nice group of fellow students.

Yu Kung Fu Qi Gong
Yu Kung Fu power Stretching


As a 38 year old with no formal training in kungfu, other than a bit kickboxing in my younger years, I was a little nervous about what to expect here. Within my first training session, it was clear that Master Yu takes the time to determine each student’s skill set and learning style and teaches them accordingly. I never felt uncomfortable that i couldn’t do flips or kicks like the younger students and I was always challenged to improve. I have since returned home fitter and stronger than I’ve been in years. Master Yu knows how to get the best out of every student and it was an honour to be taught by him. You will only eat traditional chinese food here which is absolutely delicious. It’s nothing like the chinese food we get back home. It’s just healthy seasonal produce that is guaranteed to fill you up and keep your strength up during training. The location was great. It will give you a taste of the rural lifestyle while still being a short bus ride into the next major city if you want to do some shopping or see a movie over the weekend. The thing that made this place so special for me, aside from Master Yu’s teaching, was the other students. The students here are passionate about Kungfu and will always encourage you in learning new skills, regardless of your level. I can’t recommend this place highly enough, whether you want to stay for a quick week or a year or two, it’s worth it.


This year was my second time in China, the second time at a kung fu school, the second time I was a disciple of master Yu. Unfortunately, I had only two weeks at Yu Kung Fu but it was totally worth it. In some parts I came further than my last time (4 Weeks), in other parts I stagnated. Nevertheless it was an awesome time, again.Secluded from daily vices of the  “western world” but not isolated. This is a great opportunity to work at your self-reflection and maybe you get closer to find your inner peace.The school is small bit nice. The training is individual and diversified. Everybody can work on their own goals. So far you don´t know master Yu will guide you. These small group is like a family. With the support of the others you are able fight against your inner temptation. Every day a little more is quite a lot after a couple of weeks. Master Yu is strict in his own way. His presence alone gives you the power to reach goals day in day out. You can have a lot of fun with master you as well.
I wished I could stay longer.

I will come back.

Xièxie Shifu.

Yu Kung Fu Team
Yu Kung Fu power training


“Very good Master “

Master YuZhiChao explains patiently all techniques and movements .

He makes the training varied and fun so that a good climate prevails.