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Jumps and Rolls

Jumps and Rolls

Jumps and rolls have long been an integral component of many martial arts traditions, particularly in the Chinese art of Kung Fu. Acrobatic techniques not only demonstrate the incredible physical prowess of practitioners, but also serve practical purposes in combat and training.

Body flow, control and awareness.

In Kung Fu, acrobatic movements such as backflips, aerial spins, and handstands are used to evade attacks, gain strategic advantages, and surprise opponents. These dynamic techniques require immense strength, balance, and agility – qualities that are highly valued in the martial arts. Beyond their practical applications, acrobatics in Kung Fu have also evolved into captivating performance arts, showcasing the artistry and discipline of the practitioners.

The integration of acrobatics into Kung Fu training regimens helps develop the physical and mental attributes necessary for success in combat, while also imbuing the practice with a sense of beauty and spectacle. As such, the mastery of acrobatic skills remains an essential component of the comprehensive Kung Fu experience.



Most common moves:

  1. Rolls (front, back, sides)
  2. Kick-up (Yes, like Jackie Chan=)
  3. Jump Kick ( Jump and Kick)
  4. Tornado Kick (And landing variations)
  5. Butterfly Kick (Twist and Break-fall)
  6. Back Flip (The favorite)
  7. Handstand (Cartwheels and Round-off)

Advance combinations:

  1. Headflip -> break-fall -> kick-up
  2. Jump Kick -> Tornado Kick -> Mabu Landing
  3. Round Off -> Backflip 
  4. Jump Kick -> Aerial (handless cartwheel)
  5. Jump Kick -> Butterfly Twist
  6. Round Off -> Open Backflip
  7. Round Off -> 720°

Don’t be scared!

Each time you step onto the training floor, you are making valuable strides forward. Yu Shifu is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring that you learn the proper techniques and movements safely and effectively. The equipment we provide, from protective gear to specialized training tools, is designed to keep you secure as you push the boundaries of what you thought possible.

Never forget that safety is our top priority. Yu Shifu will be there to monitor your progress, offering constructive feedback and making adjustments as needed. With their watchful eye and expertise, you can confidently explore new acrobatic maneuvers, complex forms, and dynamic sparring, knowing that you are in good hands.
Trust the process, embrace the journey, and take pride in every milestone you reach. Through consistent, mindful training, you will unlock your true potential and become the martial artist you aspire to be. Stay focused, stay safe, and enjoy the thrill of this incredible art.

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