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5 stretches to improve your Kung Fu and Martial Arts skills

1. Hamstring stretch

This will improve a lot of movements including kicks, general flexibility and splits.
~Place one leg on an elevated ledge like a bar or window sill. The supporting leg should be straight and the supporting foot facing directly forward. The elevated leg should be straight and toes pointing upwards. Slowly bend forward at the waist, aiming to get your chin to your toes, try to keep your hips as square as possible.
Hold for 30 seconds- 1 minute, remember to breathe. Repeat process with the other leg elevated, then repeat each side 3 times for better results.

**For added intensity, flex your foot and pull your toes back towards you, this should light up the calf muscle and the hamstring.


Harmstring Stretch https://www.guiamaraton.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/1536874795_466_Mejorar-la-Flexibilidad-como-Corredor-Claves-Beneficios-y-Ejercicios.jpg



2. Butterfly

This stretch will help open up your hips, improving side kicks and mabu (horse stance). It will also help relieve any pain due to overuse of the glutes and the sciatic nerve.
~Sit on the ground, bring the soles of your feet together with knees bent. Your feet should be as close to the groin as possible and push your knees down towards the ground. Lean as far forward as you can, try to rest your forehead on the ground and reach your arms forward. You might feel the stretch in your glutes, inner thighs or lower back. Hold for 1-2 minutes and remember to breathe.
**For added intensity, have someone push down your knees or sit with weights on your knees.



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3. Pubu (low stance or Cossack squat)

This will also open your hips to improve side splits, side kicks and even squats. It also stretches the calf and Achilles\’ tendon.
~ start by standing with your legs spread wide apart and toes facing forward, bend one leg down as far as you can go without putting your butt on the floor and keep the other leg extended out straight. Try to keep both feet flat on the ground and work on keeping your body upright. Without raising up too high, switch to the opposite side so the other leg is extended. Hold each side for 30 seconds and repeat 3-4 times remembering to breathe.
**For added intensity, reach towards the extended leg\’s foot and pull the toes so they are facing directly forward, this will also stretch your ankle.


Pu Bu Stance https://i.ytimg.com/vi/h5x6Lw8vtBY/maxresdefault.jpg



4. Side stretch –

This stretch will improve your splits, side kick and loosen tight muscles on your sides and hips.
~ similar to the first hamstring stretch, raise your leg onto a ledge but this time you will face the side instead of facing the ledge. Your supporting leg should be straight and toes pointing forward, try to keep your hips straight. Reach your opposite arm over and bend sideways towards the elevated foot and try to hold the foot or ankle. Try this with the elevated foot pointing upwards as well as the toes pointing forward, rotating the hip forward. Hold for 30 Seconds-1 minute, remember to breathe, then repeat each side 3 times pushing a little further each time.
**For added intensity try raising the leg higher up the wall and flexing the foot.


side stretch




5. Gong bu (bow stance or forward lunge) –


This stance will help loosen hip flexors which can relieve lower back pain and help strengthen thighs and glutes.
~ step one foot forward into a deep lunge position. Keep the back leg straight and the foot flat on the floor. Make sure your front knee does not go further forward than your foot, keep the knee bent at a 90 degree angle. Hold for 30 seconds then repeat on the other side. Remember to breathe and repeat each side 3 times.

**For added intensity, reach your arms above your head and rotate the back leg to lift the heel off the ground and bend the front leg deeper.


gong bu Yu Kung Fu Learn, Train and Live Kung Fu in China