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石柱功 (Shi Zhu Gong)

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Courtesy of Jin Jing Zhong*

All disciplines of martial arts are based on stances, for the steadfastness and mobility a strong stance can offer.

Perhaps, the most basic stance in Chinese Kung Fu is the Mabu, or horse stance, and if trained properly will result in an immovable warrior with legs like stone pillars buried deep in the ground.

To begin training, it is important to become familiar with the stance, performing it up to 5 times a day for short periods. Slide your feet apart further than shoulder width, so as you bend down into position your knees naturally move close to 90 degrees.

 While you may begin with only 1 minute at a time, as your time increases you may decrease your attempts per day until you can hold the stance for 1 hour without tiring.

mabu shaolin monk


(Although that might be asking too much from the busy modern schedule and 20 minutes may suffice)Now you may progress to the poles, anywhere from a foot to a metre high (depending on how brave you are) . The top of the pile should be flat and smaller than your foot – anywhere up to a third of your foot\’s size. Continue as you began, in short stints as this training will be much more difficult. 

Once balance is no longer an issue and you can hold a steady stance, add bricks (or weight plates) on your legs by your hips. Start with 10 kgs per leg and rise in weight month by month.

When you can stand in Mabu atop the poles with out discomfort for half an hour, or more,  you and your opponents will fully comprehend the value of your previous pain. 



铁掌功 (Tie Zhang Gong) 

iron hand kung fu Yu Kung Fu Learn, Train and Live Kung Fu in China

This training technique is a basis of Shaolin Kung Fu\’s hand thrusting and stabbing attacks (it is shared by many Chinese styles). It\’s aim is to strengthen the fingers/hands until they are iron and can pierce the chest and tear muscle. 

Traditionally, this physical training is accompanied with a strict training of Qi. If it is your desire to cultivate and understand Qi energy you should seek out a teacher near you.

To begin your training, take a box (approximately 30 cm in each direction, or larger) and fill it with a dry bean, such as soybean. Standing over the box, thrust one hand then the other (fingers first) into the beans repeatedly until the discomfort is too great. Pain and swelling is to be expected at first but don\’t let this deter you. 

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 your repetitions so you may increase (by 10-20) each time you practice. You will continue in this way until you can thrust your fingers into the beans without pain for half an hour. 

From here you change the beans out for rice – then sand – finally iron filings or ball bearings

Daily consistency is key to progress and once you have mastered the iron filings you will be ready to master more advanced techniques.

 BECAREFUL, the aim of your training is to make yourself stronger. Do not let wounds go untreated, wash your hands well after training and keep your hands mobile through massage/stretching.



3. Shaolin Parkour – Wall walking

飞檐走壁 (Fei Yan Zou)

wallwalk Yu Kung Fu Learn, Train and Live Kung Fu in China

 The aim of this training is to be able to travel long distances (5+ metres) on a horizontal surface with ease. As an extension, the ability to scale the wall completely and continue across it\’s top edge. 

There is no need for a complex training method, you will practice will comprise the same exercise throughout.

Choose a coarse wall, with no obstructions surrounding. You will need weights for your arms and legs, bags of sand/ball bearings or metal plates.

Begin your training with a small weight (0.5kgs) for each arm and leg, and position yourself 2-3 metres from the wall. Make a quick pace at the wall, approaching at a diagonal so as you take your first step your inertial force sticks you to the wall allowing you to take 2 or 3 steps in a near horizontal position. If the wall is on your left side take your first step with your left foot, and vice versa. 

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Your skill should increase quickly, as your technique improves and your feet become swifter you will find yourself flying across the face of the wall. Practice often, daily if possible, slowly increasing the weight of the bags. At first it may seem impossible to take more than a few steps but by the time a year of training has passed a diligent student can find themselves able to reach 4 or 5 metres at a time.


Do you need more information? Or looking for other techniques to try out? Email us directly at info@yukungfu.com

This article was written with consultation from the YuKungFu headmaster YuZhiChao, as well as the Jin Jing Zhong text “72 Arts of Shaolin” which is available online and highly recommended.

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